Git & GitHub things

Git & GitHub things

things that are pretty cool with git and GitHub.

Free static Hosting

Using GitHub we can easily host our static websites for free within 6 steps. Just look below.

step 1: sign in to your GitHub account

sign in to your GitHub account and your UI looks like the picture below

step 2: create a public repository

create a public repository

step 3: push code to the repository

if you are having less number of files just drag and drop them into the repository or else push your code from the local repository and always make sure that the main HTML file is named index.html

step 4: go to GitHub pages

Click on settings and go to git hub pages

step 5: select the branch and publish

select the branch that your files are on then save and publish it.

after a couple of minutes, you will be shown your site is ready to be published under green background and then click on the link to see the published site.

That's it... you have made it.